Monday, October 18, 2010

The Bible vs. Evolution

I am a believer in the Bible and a supreme being.  Yes I believe in God and Jesus.  I have spent my life as a scientist and I believe also in evolution.  How can that be?  It's all a matter of time.  The Bible says there was nothing, science does not dispute that.  On the first day God created the heavens and earth.  The big bang. Then he created man.  Now science has a problem with that, my feeling is, that is a problem with time.  Most followers of the Bible consider a day as 24 hours that we use to this day.  But what if the Bible is talking about a God day.  Now how long is a God day?  No one knows.  A God day could be 24 hours as we see it, or it could be billions of years that a God that created all the heavens and earth called a day. 

If we consider that a God day is billions of years, then the creation of man is now no problem.  There is nothing in the Bible that says how he created man.  Maybe it was instantly to him, but could have been millions of years to you and me. If it's as I say then there is plenty of time for all the evolution that science wants.  Now just consider that God thought the easiest way to create a man was to create algea first and then fish and then land mammals and then apes.  Well you see where I'm coming from, evolution and the Bible coinside if you just adjust the time. Let's just all get along. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Lady

Normally I seperate First Ladies from their husbands, heck I'm still in love with Rosalind Carter, but this one we have now is more COMMIE than her husband. This broad worships people like Che Guevara and Chairman Mao.

But she finds the capitalist will to order Iranian caviar and lobster for dinner.  The time and somehow the funds in this economy to take a vacation to Spain along with 65 of her friends to stay in a 4 star hotel.  But you look at any socialist dictator in history you will see them living a luxurios life style while millions of their citizens starve to death. Need I say more than Kim Jung Il, Mao Zedong, Stalin.   Millions of people die under any of these leaders. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another Perfect Day in Paradise

It doesn't get any better than this, not a cloud in the sky, 81 degrees, and all the hurricanes far out in the Atlantic.  All the tourists are gone, a few fishermen left, this is positively the best time of the year for the beach.  It's not hot all, the water is still fairly warm and you can pee at will.  Yes, I said it, when you have problems as I do, prostate cancer and the treatments that go with it, your first concern is where is the bathroom. 

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2004 and underwent surgery to implant radioactive implants to my prostate.  I spent 37 days in a radiation treatment center that I hope got rid of the cancer.  I know one thing, it totally screws up your sex life, and the bathroom trips are something that belongs in a horror movie.  Oh well,  things are better now, six years later, still not like when I was 17, but what is.

I'm not feeling very political right now, that will change of course.  It looks as if the republicans and the Tea Party will win a lot of seats in congress now.  That is one big relief, I was so worried back in the summer that the leftist and socialists were going to take over this country, that I went through a bit of depression.  At least, with one house of congress we can limit some of the things George Soros and his cronies want for our country.  Most people in the USA know who Obama is, but very few know of the man pulling Obama's strings.  The man we really need to fear is billionaire socialist George Soros.  I firmly believe that Obama is no more than George Soros' "Hey Boy."  That is, he is driving everything in the Obama administration toward a totally socialist America.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Saga Continues

I thought we had it all figured out with Dee's truck.  But when she called AAA the guy said she had a dead battery.  Duh, we kinda knew that.  He didn't jump it,  just tested it.  She called AAA back and they sent a guy to tow her to a garage.  That's where we went wrong, she could've just left the truck and drove the Monte Carlo to Ohio and I could've charged her battery at will.  The garage still has her truck and she can't leave till she gets it back.  I know, poor planning on my part.  Anyway, she is spending the night with me and we had some delicious talapia for supper.  Maybe, just maybe she'll get her truck back tomorrow and then leave for Ohio thursday. 

Pretty cool here today, the high was about 69.  That is way too cool for this time of year, it should still be in the 70's.  I haven't been to the beach in several days, today was just a little cool for me.  Normally it is about 10 degrees cooler on the beach than at house.  There is a major difference in temps just from one side of the dunes to the other.  I'll go down to the beach and fish a little later in the week.  The spots are biting now and it's time for big fry. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Day

Slept in a little late this morning.  I drug myself into the den about 9:30 or so, and slurped down some coffee that DeeDee just made.  She had been up a couple hours playing games on the computer.  I logged onto Facebook to catch up my Farmtown.  I had to just let a couple games sit for a while.  I have two accounts on Facebook, one for me and one for my cat. Anyway, we both have five farms each, and that takes an enormous amount of time. I had to drop my other games, heck I gotta sleep sometime.

Dee and I went to her storage building to look at a dining table and chairs for her to take back to Ohio with her.  We thought we could get them out so we went to her house to get her truck.  Well it would not start, dead battery.  She is going to call AAA tomorrow, she has to get it fixed before she leaves for Ohio wednesday, or drive her little hot rod Dale Earnhardt Monte Carlo.  That's what I would drive anyway.

10-02-10 Rally

The communist rally in Washington saturday was a big bust.  The left wing just showed all of America what a bunch of losers they all are.  The unions were there along with all the regular characters you would expect.  If George Soros and all his billions can't do better than that, then we all don't have a lot to worry about. 

Besides with them all congregated in one place, what a perfect time for our next nuclear test.  The rest of the world would thank us.