Saturday, July 21, 2012

Summer Politics

Summer is here and  the politics ramping up  I surely hope Romney is not
going to be just anotherJohn McCain.  It was like McCain could never get 
off the ground.  Sure he made a lot of campaign stops but they seemed a bit
boring.   If Romney can't get a little fire going I am concerned.  For this 
Nation to survive as we know it Obama must be beaten.  Although it may
already be too late.  The socialists may have enough foothold now we couldn't
get them all out even with a regime change.

George Soros is so entrenched with his 100's of corporations all connected
and interconnected, some taxed and some charitable.  It is very difficult to
dig into those and try to determine what money goes where.  I believe Valerie 
Jarrett is second in command and passes Soros's orders to Barack Obama.
The big plan is to crash America's economy along with Great Britain and build
the world's economic system into a Worldwide Communist Dictatorship.  But
Obama does not have enough time should he be beaten in the November
elections. What he needs is a Reichtstag moment.  A plan already developed 
and approved by Jarrett is a fake assassination attempt on Obama with a 
planned racial riot afterward.

Obama would have an excuse for martial law to quell the violence, along with
gathering all the guns from the people disregarding the Second Amendment.
He would do this with the Army that I understand is in training for as we speak. 
My only hope is some if not all would refuse to break the law and not take the
guns which will surely end in bloodshed either way. America has the largest 
number of hunters in the world, and will not relinquish their guns except from
their cold dead hands.

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